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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Comic Sunday #2: Saga vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughn

Comic Sundays are an American newspaper tradition where new comic strips are published weekly. At Becoming Books this tradition will continue focusing on comic strips, comics and graphic novels appealing to young adult and adult audiences.

*Today's pick may not be suitable for those under 18 years of age. Saga contains sexual content, profanity, and violence.*

Series: Chapters 1 – 6
Story by Brian K. Vaughn; Illustrations by Fiona Staples
160 pages, Image Comics: October 23, 2012
Personal Copy – Opinions are my own, review policy here.

Brian K. Vaughn is kind of a big deal. I'm a total newbie to the graphic/comic reading arena. It's been a couple decades since I collected books and what not. Anyways, I love this fantasy book! A balance of action, romance ,and adventure, Saga gives us a whole new galaxy where our protagonists, Marco and Alana are struggling to survive. Star-crossed lovers who've recently given birth are being hunted by their respective militaries and independent contractors. This arc includes the first six chapters of their journey to escape the planet they are currently on in search of refuge. Meanwhile, there are about half a dozen people searching for them with an emphasis on the newly born child. 

Vaughn's writing had me pulled into a lovely fantasy world involving mythical like creatures with horns, wings, tales, ghosts, and even TV robot heads! The book kicks off in a high pressure situation and doesn't really slow down. There are parts in the story telling where it becomes journey-ish but it's not long before another enemy pops up or additional sub-plot is introduced. I definitely have a lot of questions so I'm really looking forward to picking up volume 2!

I'm a big fan of the artwork in this book. Great care was taken with the inking, shading, facial expressions... basically all of the deets are there. All of the frames involving "adult content" are artfully done and intentional, which is much appreciated. I feel like oftentimes some frames are thrown in as a shock factor but Staples' illustrations add so much to the world building. These illustrations make me wish I could draw. This is especially true in the scenes involving The Horrors, these were equal parts irk and awe.
Yay or Nay? 
Yay, what an amazing world Vaughn has built. Combined with the amazing illustrations you are launched into a new world and invested in Marco and Alana's plight. Bonus points for featuring an inter-racial couple, and not just in the alien sense. 

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