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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

[Top Ten Tuesday] Goals For 2015 – bookish, blogging or otherwise!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Top 10 Goals for 2015

Books and Blogging

1. Goodreads Challenge - Let's up the ante!
I started blogging in 2014 so I never had any real motivation to read besides the Goodreads Challenge. In 2015 I'm going to aim for 120 books read.

2. Comment and Reply to Comments.
I admit this is probably my weakest quality as a blogger. I have got to get it together! I read them all but I really need to reply to all the amazing readers (you) and leave comment love for my favorite bloggers.

3. Reading and Blog Challenges
I wrote about this a few days ago and you can check it out here. Basically, I want to complete these challenges with the goals I've set out. One challenge tackles all my eARCs, the other is blog organization, another looks a creating discussion posts, and the other is the reading of series (sequels and prequels).

4. Schedule Posts and Read Ahead
Since this was my first year blogging I feel like I spent a lot of time "catching up". In November I did the Blog Ahead challenge and it was AMAZING!!! It has made December a very pleasant and stress free blogging month. I've also taken on fewer ARCs that came out in November/December and have been able to read ahead. It's my goal to continue this trend :)

5. Create a New Feature
I really want to create a new feature for the blog so I can still have a post everyday and fewer memes. So far I have the Comic Sunday feature but I want something that looks more at the culture of reading and influence of books.

I am human and do other things other than blogging and reading, and reading and blogging. 

6. Find a New Job
I've been in my current position for 4.5 years and it's time to move on. Keep your fingers crossed for me and send warm fuzzies. Thanks :)

7. Sign-up and Train For a New Race
The last half-marathon I did was in April 2014 and I didn't train for it, it was horrible. I haven't run since. I miss it. Time to pick a new race and train for it. I'm ready.

8. Financial Planning
Yeah, it's not super exciting but I'm 30 now and I should probably have my -ish together. Just sayin'. I did make some big moves this year and I'm ready to take it a step further with my retirement plans and business investments.

9. Show More Appreciation and Gratitude.
If you know me  then you know I have a minor (Major!) obsession with thank you notecards. I really need to use these more often. I want to get in a better habit of sending thank you notes to show my appreciation and gratitude. Recognition is important and everyone wants to feel like they matter.

10. Keep Traveling!
Traveling is a big part of who I am. I love to go places, get lost, find something new and learn. I save a lot of pennies to go places. This goal is to just keep it going... in 2014 I went to: New York City (BEA), Costa Rica, San Francisco, Charleston (YALLFest), Florida, and Texas. So far in 2015 I have three trips planned: Chicago (ALA Midwinter), NYC (BEA), and Europe (Dublin, London, Amsterdam and Berlin).

What are some of your goals this year? 


  1. Great set of goals. Good luck on your Goodreads challenge of 120 books!

  2. Have fun traveling!! It's something I love doing too!! Here's a link to my TTT link for the week:

  3. What brilliant goals! :-) It's nice to see your life goals as well. They're very important! I hope you get to achieve your goals this year. My TTT

  4. Great goals! Sending warm fuzzies for your job hunt and other goals. Your European travel plans sound fantastic. I loved Dublin in 2012 and London this year (for completely different reasons). Happy New Year!

  5. Good luck with your resolutions! I definitely want to read ahead and schedule more posts. Happy reading in the New Year!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  6. I'm really curious about ALA! Have you been there before? Are you going to be going to the actual conference or just to the exhibit? I'm trying to figure out if the conference itself is just applicable to librarians. I live right outside of Chicago, so there's no excuse for me not to attend!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  7. Wishing you nothing but the best on your goals for 1015!
    Here's mine if you would like too see it!

  8. I did a half marathon in December and it was horrible because I didn't train properly for it! So that is a goal for me as well!
