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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

[Top Ten Tuesday] Books I'm Looking Forward to in 2015!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Top 10 Books I'm Looking forward to in 2015

Because Kiss of Deception was AHMAZING!!!!
Releases July 7, 2015

Because she writes lovely, creepy standalones!
Releases March 3, 2015

Because Gayle turns me to mush with her prose. 
Releases January 27, 2015

Because her debut last year was all the feels. 
Releases March 31, 2015

MUST HAVE! This is the only book I can recall ever having ARC envy over. 
Releases March 3, 2015

Because When I Was The Greatest was pretty awesome. 
Releases January 6, 2015

Because it's Sarah J. Maas and there's fae involved! 
Releases May 5, 2015

Because it's Sarah Dessen and she's an NC native :)
Releases May 5, 2015

Because I have A LOT of questions!
Releases April 28, 2015

Because of that ending in book 2!!!!
Releases August, 2015

What are you waiting on in 2015?


  1. YAAAAAAEES WINNER'S CRIME. NEED IT NOW. *cough.* I'm looking forward to that one as well.

    My TTT

  2. We share a few of the same books this week. I'm really looking forward to Emery Lord's new book. I'm also looking forward to Vanishing Girls!

  3. I can't believe I forgot Vanishing Girls! It should be on my list. So should a few others. I would have added The 5th Wave #3, but I figured that since there's no title or date, I'd wait on it. There are SO many amazing books coming in 2015! Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  4. Great picks. I'm really excited for Oliver, Lord, Dessen, and Maas. Foreman and the Winner's Crime too. I haven't heard of the others, but I'll have to check them out.

    here's my post

    Thanks! I also have a $30 giveaway going on, so be sure to check that out.

  5. ACOTAR, The Winner's Crime, I Was Here and The Heart of Betrayal are all high one my list of can't-wait-books of 2015! Great list!

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

  6. Vanishing Girls made my list, too! I love Lauren Oliver's writing.

  7. I'm excited to read Vanishing Girls and The Winner's Crime. I was lucky enough to get an early copy of each. I can't wait to get my hands on The Start of Me and You and I Was Here.

    My StS!

  8. The Winner's Crime! Yes that is high high high on my list too! I'm super excited for that one too!
