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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

[Top Ten Tuesday] Book Cover Trends I Like/Dislike

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Book Cover Trends I Like/Dislike

Cover trends! I get major cover lust from time to time. Just the cover alone can inspire me to read the entire book and push it up the TBR. To be clear, a cover trend I dislike or like does not reflect my opinion of the contents between the cover.

click the covers for Goodreads

Like: The Dresses

If I could only buy them ALL!


Don't Like: Floaters

Why are they floating? Is it whimsical or weird? I'm leaning towards weird.


Like: Typography

Look at all the awesome letters... I like letters!


Don't Like: Swirly Elements

Fire... water... blah. It doesn't tell me anything.
It seems like add fire is the default for dystopians and sci-fi. 


Like: Subtle

I love it! All the mystery because these covers give me no clue as to their story line. 


Don't Like: Casting

I have an imagination, let me use it. Biggest pet peeve is when the cover has casted the novel for me. Grrr....


Like: No Face

So of course I love the opposite of casting. This gives me just enough and then my mind can run wild!


Don't Like: Flats and Chucks

Why am I looking at feet with trendy shoes on?


Like: Illustrations

I have a deep appreciation for illustrations. No stock photos here!


Talk to me:

So what are your cover loves and dislikes? 


  1. I do like it when covers are original like the illustrations you pointed out. Now excuse me while I pull down all my HP books and admire the art. Great list.
    My TTT

    1. yes! I need to buy the British HP books for the art.

      - meghann

  2. Yay another person who loves the dresses! I wish I could own them all as well. I also don't like Casting, I find it takes away the imagination from figuring out for oneself what the character would look like.

    Here's my TTT

    1. Yes, all the dresses! I wish I could just start a YA Prom dress fashion line. Imagine the awesomeness... haha.

      - meghann

  3. I also love covers with pretty dresses! I included The Jewel and The Winner's Curse on my list too. I absolutely love the cover for Mortal Danger, I would defiantly pick that book up if I seen it in a book store. I really liked that you added using models for covers as a dislike. I hate that too, especially when they look nothing like how the character is described in the book.

    1. Even after reading Mortal Danger's synopsis there's still an air of mystery and I cannot wait for it's release! Thanks for stopping by.

      - meghann

  4. I dislike faces on my covers too and like you I enjoy the faceless ones like Sinner. I also adore illustrations and subtle covers! I'm less of a fan of the pretty dress covers if only because it's been so overused. Though I still like a lot of them like Winner's Curse and The Jewel. I don't mind floating covers at all although I can see how they come across as odd hehe And I actually enjoy the swirly covers you featured LOL Awesome picks all the same ^^

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews
