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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Stacking the Shelves #14: June 15 – 21

It's a new week! I have finally catalogued and scheduled out my reading until November 2014!
This concept is still foreign and crazy to me O_o ...  and slightly scary as well.

So I have a hypothetical for the readers out there...
Would you be willing to provide a guest review in exchange for the review or finished copy?

Andye over at Reading Teen has done this for the past few months and it's worked out for her.
As my book mail becomes more frequent I'm considering this as well.

click photos for Goodreads

In the Mail

Awesome bookmark magnets from my RedditGifts Santa in the bookmark exchange.
 Won Torn Away by Jennifer Brown from 
Confessions of a Readaholic and Little Brown Books, thanks!

Finished copies for review from Merit Press, thanks!

Finished copy for review from Crown Publishing, thanks!

ebook Purchases


Digital Review Copies




What did you add to your shelf this week?


  1. Nice haul this week. Congratulations on the Torn Away read, I really love the sound of that one and am planning to buy it when I see it over here. I hope you have a great reading week and enjoy all of your new additions :) Here's my STS.

  2. Great haul! I just read about the Tiger Lily book, and added it to by TBR shelf! I haven't heard of it before, and now I've seen two different people pick it up. Crazy!

    As to your question: Yes. Reviews take quite a lot of time, and so I think it's a great idea for bloggers to have a fall-back-on guest blogger if they need one. Plus free copies are nice! However, those bookmarks work just as easily! (I LOVE those bookmarks! I had the set with the lion once, but I've since lost all except the sheep! Go figure!)

    Here's our StS!

  3. I was lucky enough to nab a copy of Shiver at BEA - I'm very excited to get started on it! And I heard about the Tiger Lily e-book deal but unfortunately, it didn't apply to my area :( I hope you love it, it's definitely been on my wishlist/tbr shelf for a while now! Oh and I looove the cover for Breaking Butterflies! I hope you enjoy all of these ^^ happy reading!

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

  4. Nice! Seeing some titles I haven't heard of yet and they all look pretty good. I've been thinking about Tiger Lily and should probably add that to my TBR at some point. Hope you enjoy your books :) Here's ours if you're interested: BiblioJunkies Happy Reading! ~ Bel
