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Monday, June 30, 2014

Blogger Truth: I'm afraid to DNF

So today I want to talk about the books I've started this year but failed to hold my interest... 

There's the blogger truth, I feel guilty when I start a book
and don't finish it. 

SO guilty that I leave the bookmark in there and leave it on my shelf, telling myself I'll read it later. 

Then months go by and nada... Why can't I just say "not for me" and walk away? Instead I have a pile of partially read books haunting me! 

So, at what point do you label a book DNF?
Most of these reads are not offensive, I just went "meh" somewhere and life moved on. 

I want to give one of them a second shot, start from the beginning and make it through. 

So Let's take a look at what is waiting in limbo...

I got a little over halfway through and while I really loved the MC I just didn't get where we were going and could not see the resolution. 

I really loved the first book in this series. Made it about 43% and just ran out of steam... 

Crazy opening scene! Got about 25% through and was exhausted from all the shock value.

Leave a comment and tell me which book I need to give a second chance!

1 comment:

  1. I just downloaded Brutal Youth and I've heard wonderful things, and I tend to love shock factors, so that one may be for me.

    And I struggled with DNFing books for a long time until I realized how badly books I didn't like put me into a slump. So I started a feature called Reshelved where I still feature them but say they weren't for me. That way, other people can read about them and see if they're something they would be interested in.
    So I don't feel so bad anymore :) But it is difficult, I totally get you.

    Cassie @ Happy Book Lovers
