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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

[Top Ten Tuesday] Top Ten Underrated YA Books of 2014 so far...

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Top 10 Underrated YA Books of 2014

so far... in my opinion and it's only one.

These are my top 10 picks for books I feel like did not get a lot of blogger love, or maybe they did. Who knows... I think they're awesome! 

in no particular order

This Side of Salvation by Jeri Smith-Ready
Overall I found the story unique in an overcrowded field of dystopian-contemporary-romances, it was intellectually stimulating, and kept the pages turning.

When I Was The Greatest by Jason ReynoldsA modern coming of age tale with a classic literature twist. There are feels involved...

Boys Like You by Juliana Stone
"She was burned into my skin like a tattoo, and I would carry her with me forever." - Drops the mic

I Become Shadow by Joe Shine
If you like Bourne Identity or Le Femme Nikita or anything that is thriller-ish, read this!!!!!  4-Star Review

Knockout Games by G. Neri
In the wake of several social justice issues occurring in America right now, Neri's prose is not only relevant but a crystal ball for a number of youth I work with everyday. Once I got started, I couldn't put it down to where I even loaded it on my phone and kept reading when I had a moment to spare. 

Keeper by Ingrid Seymour
This is an indie pub that wasn't sure about but I joined the tour and loved it! I would love to see it get more publicity so all the readers can experience the Morphid world. If you're looking for a different kind of fantasy with swoons then pick this up!

The Wicked We Have Done by Sarah Harian
Technically this is NA but it's my list so...
The writing of Harian can truly haunt you on one page, have you feeling warm inside on the next, and then have you with polar opposite feels on the next.

Second Star by Alyssa B. Sheinmel
Leave all those traditional tale thoughts behind...
I had no expectations, since I didn't re-read the synopsis going in I missed the fairy tale tie-in, but Second Star was a refreshing new story that could easily be read as a darker contemporary. If you are wanting/expecting a straight re-telling of your favorite childhood classic then you will probably be put off. While the outcome of events was not particularly shocking, I found myself comfortable with the outcome of the characters and Wendy's growth throughout the story.

Madame Tussaud's Apprentice by Kathleen Banner Duble
I'm not a big historical fiction person but I really enjoyed this one.

Girl Defective by Simmone Howell
It took me a while to get into it but it spoke to me and took some debrief to get over some feels.
If you enjoy books about music, mysteries and darker contemps. Character development over plot. Similar in writing style and story to the novels Perks of a Wallflower and High Fidelity. 

Talk to me:

What YA read do you feel is underrated this year?


  1. I really liked Boys Like You. I was surprised by how much! Good list!

  2. I really enjoyed Boys Like You and am going to read Girl Defective as soon as I can because I am so excited for it!

    Awesome list. =)

    My TTT

  3. I'm getting Second Star from the library really soon! But I definitely agree that these are underrated because I've barely even heard of them. :| I would love to read Boys Like You and This Side of Salvation. Here's my TTT!

  4. I Become Shadow has been in my tbr pile for a while. It sounds so good and I don't know why I haven't started it yet... probably the other few hundred other books it's piled up with. I've had my eye on Boys Like You for while now. I love Jeri Smith Ready, but haven't read This Side of Salvation Yet. I have Second Star, I should get to that one, too. Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  5. This is a great list! And I didn't know G. Neri had a new book out. Off to order!
