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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

[Top Ten Tuesday] Books That Were Hard For Me To Read

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Top 10  8 Books That Were Good But Hard For Me To Read

Let's keep this positive. I enjoyed all of these but for some reason or another they were hard reads. 
I find that most of the time I'll stop reading a book or watching a show when the conflict is about to occur. I'm a scaredy cat and can't handle the sad/bad stuff. 

Just sadness... I think part of me knew it was going to occur so I purposely avoided it until I couldn't anymore.

A terrible crime told from a unknowling 5-year-old Jack.
Pretty sure I still have thoughts about this one.

The narrator is Death, need I say more?

This hit me on a very personal level. Like I have a cousin named Gus who passed from brain cancer. He was just as charismatic at 10 years old and his spirit was with me for 300ish pages. 

Probably one of the best sequels I've ever read but around every corner something new was lurking.
I swear I had heart palpitations! 

Much like the movie, the book was haunting, real and raw. I had to stop reading the book and put the movie on pause several times. Great story but I'm not sure I'd ever put myself through that again. 

My first lesson in the power of group think... scary stuff.

There's no good news, well sort of, but so much pain. 

Talk to me:

What makes a book hard to read?


  1. I have The Book Thief on my list this week. I think a book can be hard to read in many ways. It could be the narration, the writing style, the characters or the subject matter.

  2. Lovey book choices and I completely agree with about TFIOS and The Book Thief. Thanks for reminding me that I still have Room in my TBR and that I still NEED to read it!

    New GFC and Bloglovin follower

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  3. The Kite Runner is on my list, too. I really enjoyed TFiOS and THE BOOK THEIF. I've read OF MICE AND MEN for school and it's okay, it was sad.

  4. Lord of the Flies. How could I have forgotten that one? I hated it when I read it in high school. The narrator in The Book Thief bugged me too. I just couldn't get into it.

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