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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

[Top Ten Tuesday] Books That Were Hard For Me To Read

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Top 10  8 Books That Were Good But Hard For Me To Read

Let's keep this positive. I enjoyed all of these but for some reason or another they were hard reads. 
I find that most of the time I'll stop reading a book or watching a show when the conflict is about to occur. I'm a scaredy cat and can't handle the sad/bad stuff. 

Just sadness... I think part of me knew it was going to occur so I purposely avoided it until I couldn't anymore.

A terrible crime told from a unknowling 5-year-old Jack.
Pretty sure I still have thoughts about this one.

The narrator is Death, need I say more?

This hit me on a very personal level. Like I have a cousin named Gus who passed from brain cancer. He was just as charismatic at 10 years old and his spirit was with me for 300ish pages. 

Probably one of the best sequels I've ever read but around every corner something new was lurking.
I swear I had heart palpitations! 

Much like the movie, the book was haunting, real and raw. I had to stop reading the book and put the movie on pause several times. Great story but I'm not sure I'd ever put myself through that again. 

My first lesson in the power of group think... scary stuff.

There's no good news, well sort of, but so much pain. 

Talk to me:

What makes a book hard to read?

Monday, September 29, 2014

#ReadingCram Chills and Thrills Read-a-thon

Halloween is almost upon us, my favorite holiday!!!!
The awesome ladies at 
DanaSquareJuliaBabyJenA Perfection Called Books and Little Red Reads are hosting a Halloween themed read-a-thon. I tested out my first read-a-thon last month and am ready to rock this one!


It starts October 24 and runs until Halloween, October 31
Use hashtag #ReadingCram

You have to read spooky themes books:

My Goals:
  • Read 100 pages a day
  • Participate in three challenges
  • I'll be hosting the TBR challenge on Kick-Off Day, Oct. 24, with a giveaway so be sure to stop back by!

What to join in the fun?

RequirementsYou must post a Sign Up Post and link up on the sign-up page. 
Must have our graphic 
Links to our blogs 
Name, dates of the read-a-thon 
Any personal goals (optional) 
You may use Tumblr or Youtube (if you don't have a blog)
Optional Challenges + Giveaways
These are not final and may change.

Oct. 24 – TBR Challenge
Oct. 25 – Teaser Challenge
Oct. 26 – Cover/Title Spooky Re-Creation
Oct. 27 – Song Challenge
Oct. 28 – Spell It Out Challenge
Oct. 29 – Scary Make-Up Challenges
Oct. 30 – Twitter Synopsis Challenge
Oct. 31 – Wrap Up Challenge w/ optional Costume Challenge

[Review] The Infinite Sea (The Fifth Wave #2) by Rick Yancey

Title: The Infinite Sea
Series: The Fifth Wave #2
Author: Rick Yancey [ Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Website]
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile, an imprint of Penguin
Genre: Young Adult Fiction - Science Fiction, Dystopian
Release Date: September 16, 2014
Source: Purchased, opinions are honest and my own. – review policy here.

How do you rid the Earth of seven billion humans? Rid the humans of their humanity.

Surviving the first four waves was nearly impossible. Now Cassie Sullivan finds herself in a new world, a world in which the fundamental trust that binds us together is gone. As the 5th Wave rolls across the landscape, Cassie, Ben, and Ringer are forced to confront the Others’ ultimate goal: the extermination of the human race.

Cassie and her friends haven't seen the depths to which the Others will sink, nor have the Others seen the heights to which humanity will rise, in the ultimate battle between life and death, hope and despair, love and hate. via Goodreads

I almost didn't finish the book and I'll explain why later but I'm so glad I did.

Strong out of the gate...
The first two-thirds of The Infinite Sea alternates between various points of view (POVs) creating a masterful balance of plot building, action scenes and character development. Picking up shortly after book one ends Cassie and the crew are hunkering down to lick their wounds and come up with a new survival plan. We're introduced to a couple of new characters who bring in different dynamics while everyone is not sure they trust each other.

I really, really loved the first 200 pages or so. I read through them at lightning speed (for me) as the pacing led the POV changes and domino-effect action sequences. More information about the Others is revealed as well as character backstories which builds up strong feels! Now I'm just hoping no one dies because I love them all!!

Ugh, but this last 1/3 almost killed me...

For the last 100 pages the POV switches to a secondary-ish character and everything slowed down to a pacing halt. I would read a chapter or two and then quit. A couple days later I would come back and try again. I finally convinced myself I would just plow through.

For 60 pages the legendary second book journey kicks in with days and months passing without a whole lot of progress, and minimal new information and character development. There is the introduction of a new character who I found really, really interesting and possibly swoon worthy. 

*Happy Dance* It gets better...

Yay, we're free!!! For the last 40ish pages of the slow POV there's a plot turn and everything takes off. All of a sudden there are some revelations, a major action scene, swoons and just all the things took place. It was worth the 60 pages of dredge, a reader's reward if you will. 

My connection to the POV has strengthened and I get why this POV narrative had to occur. 

Why I'll be finishing this series off...

Say What??? The revelation!!!!!!! It changes everything and I mean everything. I'm ready for the crew to all be united and, maybe, a happy ending where the Others are not in charge. 

I wish I could write more but I'm trying so hard not be spoilery. It's a solid sequel, minus the pacing issue in the last third, packed with action and a major game changer. 

3.5 Stars - Love conquers all, even at the end of the world.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Author Event + Giveaway!!: Scott Westerfeld ft. Afterworlds

I stopped by Quail Ridge Books and Music after work on Wednesday to check out Scott Westerfeld and get a finished copy of Afterworlds. Sadly, I hadn't finished the book yet. Mostly because I'm a chicken and am afraid of ghosts. :p I'm loving the book though and now fear for the characters since Scott had a devious look when I made a comment. O_o

Don't forget to scroll to the bottom for the giveaway!



Scott was awesome and bought in a full house of people!!!! The chat was about an hour long and probably one of my favorite author chats! I recorded the chat for those who are interested. During the question/answer portion it might be a bit hard to hear the person asking the question. Sorry!

Scott also shared the following videos for Afterworlds including the books trailer and it's connection to the YA community.

I'm giving away a signed ARC of Afterworlds! 
Open to US only, check out the full policy here.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Stacking the Shelves #26: Sept. 14 – 27

There are three giveaways currently so be sure to enter, links are in the box above!

Last week I wrapped up Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon and Bloggiesta. Both were really refreshing and allowed me to prep for a busy fall blog season. The review archive is up-to-date as well as all my reviews on Goodreads and various social media. I also rearranged my ARC TBR list. Yay for organization!!!

It's been a slow couple of weeks so I've combined last week and this week. :)

This is what I added to the shelves in the past two weeks...

click cover photos for Goodreads

In The Mail

Justina Ireland sent me a copy of her book Promise of Shadows from Simon and Schuster. 
Yay, for #WeNeedDiverseBooks!


Pre-ordered it and about 2/3 through! Hoping to finish this weekend.

Went to see Scott Westerfeld earlier this week and picked up the finished copy.
Confession: It's taking me forever to read this because I'm afraid of ghosts and refuse to keep reading after the sun goes down. :p
Keep an eye out for my event recap tomorrow along with an autographed ARC copy!!

Digital Copy For Review


What did you add to your shelf this week?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Press Play Trailer Release + Giveaway!

Press Play
Author: Eric Devine
Release Date: October 28, 2014
Genre: Young Adult Fiction – Contemporary
Publisher: Running Press Kids, a member of the Perseus Books Group

Greg Dunsmore, a.k.a. Dun the Ton, is focused on one thing: making a documentary that will guarantee his admission into the film school of his choice. Every day, Greg films his intense weight-loss focused workouts as well as the non stop bullying that comes from his classmates. But when he captures footage of violent, extreme hazing by his high school’s championship-winning lacrosse team in the presence of his principal, Greg’s field of view is in for a readjustment.

Greg knows there is a story to be told, but it is not clear exactly what. And his attempts to find out the truth only create more obstacles, not to mention physical harm upon himself. Yet if Greg wants to make his exposé his ticket out of town rather than a veritable death sentence, he will have to learn to play the game and find a team to help him.

Combine the underbelly of Friday Night Lights with the unflinching honesty of Walter Dean Myers, and you will find yourself with Eric Devine’s novel of debatable truths, consequences, and realities.


Author Eric Devine

Eric Devine is the author of multiple works of Young Adult fiction, most recently Dare Me, with Press Play being published on Oct. 28. He is also a veteran high school English teacher who spends as much time teaching as he does completing field research for his novels. His work has been listed by YALSA and Booklist for reluctant readers and for Best in Sports. He is married to his high school sweetheart, and his wife and he have two wonderful daughters and two not-so-wonderful labradors.

Find out more at,, or Twitter @eric_devine.

Must be 13+ To Enter | Ships in US only.

1 Winner will get a signed copy of PRESS PLAY and a PRESS PLAY phone case. 
(Winners chooses case size)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

[Top Ten Tuesday] YA Books On My Fall TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Top 10 YA Books On My Fall TBR

Yay! Thanks to Bloggiesta I'm actually set in my reading schedule for the fall so now I just have to narrow it down to 10! 

in order of U.S. release

Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer
September 30

Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
September 30

Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick
October 7

The Doubt Factory by Paolo Bacigalupi
October 14

Mortal Gods by Kendare Blake
October 14

Talon by Julie Kagawa
October 28

Press Play by Eric Devine
October 28

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray
November 4

The Walled City by Ryan Graudin
November 4

Art Schooled by Jamie Coe
November 11

Talk to me:

What is your fall must read?!?