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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

[Top Ten Tuesday] Characters I Would Want With Me On A Deserted Island

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Top 10 7 Characters I Would Want With Me On A Deserted Island

Assuming that this island is as creepy and mystic as other literary islands my picks are for survival, keeping my humanity, and helping to get off the island or make a life. Ten's kind of a crowd and a lot of mouths to feed so here are my 7 picks!

Katniss Everdeen The Hunger Games
Because a girl's got to eat! Katniss would never let me starve although we'd have to calm her nerves.

Thad NIL
For this snowboarder turned surfer, it wouldn't be his first rodeo. He helped build an entire city on a very mysterious island. Plus, he's easy on the eyes. 

Roar Under the Never Sky
His soft rough touch. Always in tune with you and can teach me some mad fighting skills. He's reeling from a broken heart, but the bestest friend a girl could ever ask for. 

Maybe, Paul Wesley? Leave your casting thoughts in the comments! 

Meg, Puck and Ash The Iron Fey
This trio can help save you from yourself! Ready to make you laugh or slay a dragon. Their wealth of magic and laughs will help keep me sane. Although there's a danger of me trying to steal Ash. :p

Isabel Culpepper Sinner, Shiver Series
Because every girl needs a bestie! This girl is fierce and could hold her own. No special powers, just there to be my person.

Talk to me:

Who would you want to be on a deserted island with?
What am I missing on my team? Maybe a doctor?


  1. I think Katniss would be an excellent companion on a deserted island. She made my list this week too!

  2. Paul could play Gandalf and be the right choice. aggghghghghg so pretty!

    1. haha, nice! I'm always been more of an Ian girl but I like him for this :p
      - meghann

  3. Katniss is on every list I see and for the perfect reason too! I'd definitely include her and Roar if I would be on a deserted island.

    1. Right! Even if I'm useless they'd save us all. :)
      - meghann

  4. YEAH, I would totally want Katniss too - she'd definitely increase one's odds of survival ;-D I still need to read UtNS, The Iron Fey series and the Shiver/Sinner books but I own them all and it's likely that once I read them, the characters you mentioned would make my list too! Awesome picks ^^

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews
