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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

[Top Ten Tuesday] Books For Adults Who've Never Read YA

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Top 10 Books For Adults Who've Never Read YA

I'm almost 30!!!! There's a lot of talk around "adults" (I refuse to claim this title... haha) who read YA. There are definitely skeptical adults who have yet to read YA. Well... for all the doubters here are my recommendations for those who've yet to read YA. 

in no particular order

For a candid look at living with a disability, parenting a child with a disability and the realities of high school and college. Life can happen to anyone.

Whether an adult or a teen this book is packed with feels... even if you're tired of hearing about it.

I gave this read to my father as a gift when I was in high school. I know he was thoroughly confused. He spent a lot of time wondering if I was trying to tell him something... while that's not the case it did open up some conversations and he realized that life is hard, even for teenagers.

Great book and reminiscent of a time some adults can still remember. The narrator is Death and he tells a story that is written beautifully while bringing forward harsh realities for everyone involved in Germany WWII.

The aftermath of becoming a reality TV star as a child. Kind of scary and heartbreaking, a cautionary tale of documenting life every step of the way.

A hott mess doesn't mean that's the end. 

An awesome family story in a time of healing. Stick together!

There are dragons! And swords! Epic fantasy!

If by chance you escaped high school without reading this... read it! Great look at how innocence can easily be lost in group think and fear.

The most epic fantasy published in recent history. The number of adult fans is countless so hop on the bandwagon!

Talk to me:

Who's missing from this list? What YA book do you think every adult should read?


  1. Brilliant list Meghann! We picked the same people to recommend YA for! :-) I think Perks should be attempted by everyone, whether adult or YA!
