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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Books 'n' Blogger Swap Reveal!

So this package came in on the same day as my #OTSPSecretSister. Let's just say I was overwhelmed by all the goodies!!!

My swap partner was booktuber Stephanie from Time To Read! Be sure to show her some click love.

On to the goodies...
Here's my fangirl face for when I saw Mindy was chilling in my swap package. :)
A photo posted by Meghann (@becomingbooks) on
Here's my entire swap... super excited about all of these reads!! Thanks so much Stephanie!!!

My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante (translated from it's original Italian..swoons!) – Book Stephanie loved!
Landline by Rainbow Rowell – Book Stephanie is interested in :)

I'm so excited about all my new pretties and can't wait to get reading!!!
If you enjoy doing swaps be sure to check out CG Swaps!

Monday, April 27, 2015

[Guest Review] The Wrath and The Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

Title: The Wrath and The Dawn
Author: Renee Ahdieh [Twitter | Website]
Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers, a imprint of Penguin
Genre: Young Adult Fiction - Fairy Tale Retellings, Fantasy
Release Date: May 12, 2015
Source: ARC provided by the publisher, opinions are honest and the reader's own. – review policy here.

The Wrath and the Dawn was inspired by A Thousand and One Nights, but I wouldn't say it's a retelling. The motives, back story, and characters are different, although some are inspired by the original characters. Although I have heard of some of the stories, I haven't actually read A Thousand and One Nights but became so fascinated with it after reading this book that I actually watched the 2000 TV mini series Arabian Nights, which is essentially a retelling of the original tale... so yes, I loved this book!

For some reason, I didn't pay much attention to the prologue but turned back to the beginning after I had finished it, re-read the prologue, and was like whoa. I guess that's a good thing though, since it became all the more mysterious and suspenseful as the book went on. I found myself wanting answers as much as Shazi did. Renee is an excellent storyteller; there was rarely a dull moment and I found myself flipping through the pages much faster than I thought I would.

I also like how the book is written in third person; most of the YA novels I've read are in first person and sometimes it's frustrating to see only from the main character's point of view. I loved seeing things from Khalid's perspective and it gave the characters much more depth and we see their multiple dimensions so much more easily. Additionally, Renee does an excellent job with all of the characters' story arcs and intertwining them together later on (such as Shazi's dad, Tariq, and the main plot with Shazi and Khalid). In fact, reading this has made me realize that I like the third person perspective so much more than first person.

In terms of characters, Khalid is my favorite and his character development throughout is pretty great. I went from hating him, to pitying him, and then finally to just adoring him. I found most of the characters to be pretty interesting and I love how there are so many important supporting characters!

Overall, The Wrath and the Dawn is a beautiful story and Renee is one talented (and cruel - that ending!) writer; it's going right up to my list of "Favorites". :)
And that ending will make you want the second book, The Rose and the Dagger, ASAP. Trust me.

5 Stars

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

[Guest Review] The Alex Crow by Andrew Smith

Title: The Alex Crow
Author: Andrew Smith [Twitter | Website]
Publisher: Dutton Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Penguin Books
Genre: Young Adult Fiction - Science Fiction
Release Date: March 10, 2015
Source: ARC provided by the publisher, opinions are honest and the reader's own. – review policy here.

This was my first Andrew Smith novel. I have heard all sorts of things about his work, mainly that it’s amazing, so I was excited to find out for myself. And it did not let me down. It was definitely a strange experience, but one I still enjoyed.

So what’s this book about, then? Well, that’s the question, isn’t it. A refugee, a bionic crow, a failed Arctic exploration team, a melting man. ...yep. This is one of those stories that’s told in parts, in different narratives, all seemingly different things that have nothing to do with each other…until they do. There’s 1) Ariel and his present-day narration of the boys’ camp he is sent to; 2) Ariel telling his brother the story of him becoming a refugee in flashback; 3) Journal articles from one of the Arctic explorers hundreds of years ago; and 4) the schizophrenic bomber. It seems a little confusing, but it wasn’t really.

Smith’s writing is like magic. He has such a way with words that just draws you in and hooks you from the beginning. Yes, he has all these different narratives, but each had their own distinct and unique voice. They didn’t sound the same, and it wasn’t confusing. And then you get to the part where you start to see how all these separate stories start to tie in to each other. I was flying through the pages just to see if things were what I thought they were.

Smith also touches on a whole slew of different subjects. This book is filled with so many WTF moments, like did I really just read that? Or what in the world is going on? Serious and horrifying moments from Ariel’s time in the refugee camp, kinda gross moments with the burning man, and teenage boy humor from Max and his euphemisms. But it all worked together to create a deep and complex story.

I realize I probably haven’t been clear on what the book is about, but it’s one of those things that just cannot be explained. But it was one of those books that I fell in love with, and highly recommend. Smith is an incredible writer, and one that I will definitely be reading more from.

5 Stars

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

[Top Ten Tuesday] YA Characters I'd Like To Check-In With

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Top Ten YA Characters I'd Like To Check-In With

This is a really cool prompt. Hmm... people I need to check-in with and want to know what's up. They will mostly be male, maybe it's wishful thinking that they'll be single. ;)

Adam Wilde
from If I Stay/Where She Went by Gayle Forman
Mostly because I want to know if he returned the iPod. The author says he has. I also want to see how he's doing and if everything worked out with Mia. I imagine us meeting in some obscure coffee shop where he plays acoustic on Tuesday nights.

Cath and Levi
from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
This is one of my favorite YA couples. I hope they're still together and making it work. I also want to know how Cath's dad is. I imagine us meeting up in a reddit thread about fan fiction.

Tobias Eaton/Four
from The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth
Sooo... how you doin'? *bats eyes* I hope he's doing well in a post-faction world.
I imagine us meeting up at the local outdoors store in the doomsday prep section.

Ponyboy Curtis
from The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
I always imagined that he'd go on to be some great author. After losing so much I'd love to know that he got to grow old. I imagine us meeting up at the old gas station, he has a pen and pad, and still really shy.

Macallan and Levi
from Better Off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg
I hope they're super happy and still super funny together. This was an amazing friendship to relationship to watch. I imagine seeing them on the local improv stage.

from Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor
This book left me in the fetal position hiding under a blanket unable to face the world. HOTT. MESS. I want to bring Zoe flowers, hug her and tell her it gets better. There could not have been a more beautiful friendship. I imagine meeting up at a nice NYC brunch spot.

George Weasley
from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
For reasons... *sniffles* 

Darcy Patel
from Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld
Darcy signs a two-book deal. I need to know what happens... are her sales good enough for a book two? Does she get dropped and is broke in NYC? Is there a new girl in her life or is Imogen still around. So many questions to be answered over a bowl of ramen.

Gale Hawthorne
from The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
So at the conclusion of the series Gale kind of goes his own way for much needed reasons. I'm curious as to what he's up to in the new society, etc. I imagine running into him while on the hunt.

Jacob Black
from Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer
Oh hate on Twilight all you want but I adored Jacob Black. Did he get his happily ever after? Is he leading the pack now? I imagine meeting up with him at the cliffs.

Which character would you like to catch up with?

Monday, April 6, 2015

[Blog Swap] Books & Bloggers, Take 3!

Hey Hey There! I'm so excited about the upcoming Books & Bloggers swap. This will be my third time participating and I'm super stoked. 

Check out some of my previous goodies :)

Sign-up to participate!

Sign-ups close TODAY so hurry on over.